
Tizolo Healthcare offers a wide range of devices that can be used for monitoring various conditions. For example, the pulse oximeter is intended to measure oxygen in blood and monitor COPD patients' levels as well as Asthma patients who need accurate readings on their breathe rate all while providing them with peace-of mind knowing what it shows corresponds with medical advice given out by doctors!


Tizolo Healthcare is the solution for all your healthcare needs. From powerful reporting and analytical tools to automatic alerts that send physician's way - we have got you covered! With our state-of--the art portal billing system (and it is HIPPA compliant), not only will patients be informed on their progress towards being billed correctly; so that billers don’t find themselves caught up in an actionable situation


With our software, you can have a fully automated phone call experience with IVR technology that will help your customers comply and remember their appointments. Plus, there are compliance reminders for when they must see their doctor again or schedule an intake interview; plus, it's always available 24/7 to provide patient support in any situation.


You do not need any technical skills to get started with us. We will help you set up your account, and even send a knowledgeable consultant if we feel it’s needed!

1. Screen Patient

We have a patient monitoring system that can identify the patients who need our services. This is done through machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, which allow us to provide personalized care for each individual in line with their needs The input begins by introducing an idea or concept followed by how it works at length while describing all aspects possible before finally wrapping up its explanation thus providing readers insight into what they were looking forward to especially if there was confusion during previous readings.

2. Enroll patient

The Tizolo Healthcare platform allows patients to manage their medical records and engage with doctors online. The unique thing about the system is that it provides an easy way for anyone who has access or dealings within the healthcare industry, be they private practitioners working outside traditional institutions like hospitals (like myself), government employees using state sponsored insurance programs such as tenacity converseness cards issued by insurers licensed under PMLA legislation passed recently without much ceremony but which will go into effect soon after its signature becomes law); even international visitors looking ahead plans nationwide coverage where applicable.

3. Verification & Device Check-out

Tizolo Healthcare makes sure that you are eligible for the benefits, they contact your doctor and mail out a tracking device.

4. Education & Monitoring

The patient is educated on the risks and benefits of health care, as well what they can do to help themselves. Tizolo Healthcare also has compliance monitors in place for when it comes time for treatment so there is no room left up sleeves.

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RPM Devices

We understand that healthcare can be difficult and time-consuming. That is why we provide high performing devices for quality management like RPMs (regenerative medical products), which connect patients with their doctors in an easy way through cellular or internet connection, so you never have to worry about not being able find any information on your disease at a moment’s notice! Our coaches will also help train users how best use these modern technologies while understanding what they do - making sure everyone has access as soon possible.

High-performing devices that offer real time health data and information to patients, caregivers, or providers. These easy navigation features are designed for a better user experience through its simpler functions. High Performing Devices provide cellular, or internet connected tools which can be used by anyone in the medical community - from healthcare professionals providing treatment recommendations at home all the way up until an individual patient himself goes into surgery without having any assistance but his own two hands! Our coaches will guide you through using this high performing equipment so there is no need worry about getting lost on how anything works because we've got this covered.

Remote Weight Monitoring

It is a revolutionary digital scale designed to help patients track their weight more accurately than ever before. With its real-time data capabilities, this high-tech tool allows users the opportunity not only see but also manage any changes in body composition throughout different stages of life—from childhood right up until old age! The amazing thing about Scaling Patients' innovative technology? It does all this without sacrificing your privacy or dignity because we know that is what matters most when living healthy is possible.

Remote Blood Pressure Cuff

The accuracy of blood sugar levels is often questioned by patients with diabetes. With the help from this device, you will be able to monitor and track your glucose level more easily than ever before! It is equipped with a cellular connection that allows providers access real-time data on their patient’s progress in just seconds so they can take proactive measures against further risks for illness or injury such as heart disease (which has been shown associated).

Remote Blood Glucose Monitoring

With the Blood Pressure Cuff, patients can send real-time information about their blood pressure to a provider's servers so that they may be monitored for any changes.

Remote Pulse Oximeter

Get all of your vital signs monitoring in one place with our innovative and easy-to use application. Avoid complications by getting accurate vital signs monitoring, such as your blood oxygen level and perfusion index. Not only will this help you avoid an emergency situation but also allow for immediate treatment when needed so there are less chances of progression into something worse.


Consultations Made More Convenient

Tizolo offers a range of services to help you manage your health needs. We can provide an expert consultation through remote video conferencing, or we will come visit in person if that's more convenient for the patient. For those who are searching for high-quality medical care with accessibility shortcuts all across town; don't worry because now there is telemedicine as well-a cost-effective way forward where healthcare professionals have always been able reach out without hassle no matter where they happen to be located. Let our medical team evaluate chronic health concerns as well as other ailments by phone call or online session so that we may provide expert advice from the comfort of home/office while providing 24x7 support throughout each treatment process.

About Us


With the "Care beyond walls" program, healthcare professionals are able to provide patients with virtual care that goes well beyond physical walls. This means they can remotely monitor a patient's vitals and prescribe medication from anywhere in the world - all without ever having been seen by them!

Foundational Solutions of Virtual Care by Allico Health

  • Remote patient monitoring provides peace of mind for your loved one. It allows you to track their condition remotely, so there's no need to check up with them every day or twice a week like before! You will also receive an annual wellness visit from our team comprised exclusively remote doctors who specialize in chronic care management and behavior health integration-- all at once when they're most needed it just might make life easier by eliminating some trips back home while still providing quality medical attention if needed.
  • Chronic care management is an important step in the right direction towards better managing chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. The remote annual wellness visit offers patients with these illnesses access to affordable healthcare without having them travel far from home or have busy weeks waiting around for appointments that may not exist at all hours when you need them most! This integration between behavioral health providers will allow those living on their own more freedom while still receiving services they deserve because no one should suffer alone anymore.